Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is this POSSIBLE proof of a faked death?

Reserpine is an indole alkaloid[3] antipsychotic and antihypertensive drug that has been used for the control of high blood pressure and for the relief of psychotic behaviors, although because of the development of better drugs for these purposes and because of its numerous side-effects, it is rarely used today.[1] The antihypertensive actions of Reserpine are a result of its ability to deplete catecholamines (among the others) from peripheral sympathetic nerve endings. These substances are normally involved in controlling heart rate, force of cardiac contraction and peripheral resistance. .[4] Reserpine depletion of monoamine neurotransmitters in the synapses is often cited as evidence to the theory that depletion of the neurotransmitters causes subsequent depression in humans. Moreover, reserpine has a peripheral action in many parts of the body, resulting in a preponderance of the cholinergic part of the nervous system (GI-Tract, smooth muscles vessels).

The Reserpine theory: Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Sudbury, ON Canada, developed another miracle-free explanation of the resurrection story. While experimenting on rats, he noted that when the animals were physically restrained and injected with reserpine — or similar drugs — their body temperature would decrease rapidly and they would be appear to have died. Three days later, they revived on their own. Presumably, a similar reaction would happen in other mammals. Of course, it would be impossible on ethical grounds to conduct a similar experiment on humans. Persinger speculates that Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ) may have consumed either reserpine or a similar drug. This might have happened at the Last Supper, or when he was offered a sponge containing a liquid while on the cross. It is generally acknowledged, at least by some mainline and most liberal theologians, that John the Baptist had been a member of the Essene religious group. There is some evidence that the Essenes used psychoactive drugs in their rituals. Perhaps they had found reserpine, a drug which is has a plant origin. Yeshua certainly was restrained on the cross. The soldiers could have believed that he had died, and released the body, only to have Yeshua spontaneously recover a day and a half later in the tomb. 2,3


<- Add Sand Mountain Herbs Shortcut To Your Desktop: Click Here
Scientific Name: Rauwolfia serpentina
Common Name: Rauwolfia
Other Common Names:
Plant Type: Perennial
Where To Plant: Full Sun to Partly Shady
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): 11+ or Greenhouse
Germination: Hard
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 15
Uses: Medicinal
Notes: Famous tranquilizer plant of India. Powerful hypnotic and sedative properties. Slow to germinate needs bottom heat 75 degree F.
RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA. Famous tranquilizer plant of India, where for 3000 years it has been used to treat mental illness. Long ignored by the West, until the 1950s, but now its active constituent, reserpine, is prescribed for its powerful hypnotic and sedative properties

ml863 wrote:

c.1300 B.C.



In the capital city of Thebes, Egyptians begin cultivation of opium thebaicum,grown in their famous poppy fields.The opium trade flourishes during the reign of Thutmose IV, Akhenaton and King Tutankhamen. The trade route included the Phoenicians and Minoans who move the profitable item across the Mediterranean Sea into Greece, Carthage, and Europe.
c. 460 B.C.
Hippocrates, “the father of medicine”, dismisses the magical attributes of opium but acknowledges its usefulness as a narcotic and styptic in treating internal diseases, diseases of women and epidemics.
330 B.C.
Alexander the Great introduces opium to the people of Persia and India.
A.D. 400
Opium thebaicum, from the Egytpian fields at Thebes, is first introduced to China by Arab traders.

During the height of the Reformation, opium is reintroduced into European medical literature by Paracelsus as laudanum. These black pills or “Stones of Immortality” were made of opium thebaicum, citrus juice and quintessence of gold and prescribed as painkillers.

Linnaeus, the father of botany, first classifies the poppy, Papaver somniferum– ‘sleep-inducing’, in his book Genera Plantarum.
This stuff was around 3000 years ago
also in the area.
They could build pyramids with no machinery why couldn’t they fake death?
Jesus also said to question
not just follow blindly

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